Kamis, 25 November 2010

Well, narrative text is a kind of text that have purpose to entertaining, stimulate, amuse and teaching the readers with a true experience or an imaginary one. The characteristic of the text is marked by conflict and resolution. The tense is used Past Tense. Legends and folktales are the examples of narrative text.

Do you remember the story about Cinderella ? . Cinderella's story is the one of example narrative text. Let's check it out :
" Cinderella " 
The generic structure of narrative text is :
  1. Orientation >> Sets the scene and introduces the participants : who, when, where.
  2. Complication >> A crisis arises or the problem.
  3. Resolution >> The crisis is resolved, for better or worse.
  4. Re-orientation >> A solution to the problem main characters find ways to solve the problem.
Please read partly the popular of Indonesian Folklore. I'm very proud of our folklore.
Its great!

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