Minggu, 21 November 2010

Sympathy expression is an expression of feeling’s pity, sorrow or being sorry for someone who is in a bad situation, unluckly or have trouble.
By expressing sympathy it show our concern or carefulness to other people’s condition. And gives sympathy will make someone be smile and feel better then have spirit to finished the problems.

The following example of sympathy expression : 

  • That's . . . .
  1. Awful
  2. A shame
  3. A pity
  4. A terrible
  5. Too bad
  6. Dreadful
  • How . . . .
  1. Awful
  2. Terrible
  3. Dreadful
  • What a . . . .
  1. Shame
  2. Pity
  • I express my deep . . . .
  1. Condolence
  2. Sympathy
  • I'm so sorry to hear that
  • Oh, dear. Poor you
  • I know how it feels
  • Look! This is not the end of the world

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